When we forget the reason for the season, many of us allow the holidays to derail our personal growth and development progress. 😕
We mute our inner glow and feel exposed to the cold outside. We dim our inner light and succumb to the dark closing in on us. Resigned to our loneliness. And eventually we lose hope. ☹️
It’s so tempting to trade our passion and purpose for coziness. We feel swept away in the whirlwind, and allow holiday messages to distract us from our mission, vision, and values. 😔
We wear frumpy clothes and reach for holiday treats – temporary fixes we use to paper over our problems, self-soothe, and fill the void. 🥺
And before you know it we find ourselves in a downward spiral. Candy becomes mindless over-eating. The odd cocktail becomes binge drinking. Holiday generosity becomes retail therapy, then credit card debt. And suddenly we find ourselves spending more time alone. Isolating in our shame. 😢
But here's the thing:
If we invest in our personal growth and development, we can bolster our support network. If we reach out and ask for help, our loved ones can lend a hand to right the ship. ❤️
No matter how inadequate we may think we are, or how embarrassed or ashamed we feel, there’s just no reason to try to do this alone. 💪
So if you worry you might be on the path to yielding to your negative love patterns, get real, get vulnerable, and ask for help. Because you’re worth it. And the cost of isolation is just too high. 😍
