In the context of personal growth and development, Band-Aids are those coping mechanisms we use to manage stress, but often inadvertently keep us stuck in negative love patterns. 😔
On the other hand, booster shots are those investments we make to nurture, heal, and assist our transformation, and often help lift ourselves out of despair, in order to build the life of our dreams. 😍
It’s cheaper in the long run and more fun in the here and now!
Here are some potential booster shots to which you might shift your investments:
Hire a life coach
Start working with a talk therapist
Hire a personal trainer (at the gym)
Go to a yoga class
Study meditation
Have an annual physical with your primary healthcare professional
Here are some Band-Aids you might shed:
Skip the daily latte
Drink less alcohol
Give up recreational drugs
Buy fewer clothes, or shop at less expensive stores
Give up video games
Eat out less, or at fewer fancy restaurants
Skip the next expensive concert or event, or buy cheaper tickets
Take a cheaper vacation, or opt for a “staycation”
What Band-Aids are you willing to rip off in the name of your personal growth and development? What booster shots are you willing to invest in?